interface FormDialogOptions {
    cancelButtonText?: string;
    discardChangesPrompt?: boolean;
    initialValue?: any;
    inputs: any[];
    message?: string;
    submitButtonText?: string;
    title: string;


cancelButtonText?: string

Text to use on the cancelation action button. Defaults to "Cancel".

discardChangesPrompt?: boolean

Indicates whether a discard changes prompt is shown, when the form state is dirty and the user closes the form dialog by pressing escape, clicking on the backdrop or clicking on the cancel button.

Defaults to false.

initialValue?: any

Initial value for the form.

inputs: any[]

Inputs that will be rendered in the dialog content.

message?: string

Message to show on the dialog.

submitButtonText?: string

Text to use on the submit action button. Defaults to "Submit".

title: string

Title of the dialog.